Hiring a VA on your Own – Worth it?

by | Mar 15, 2021

Clock, Peak Solutions Team

Before we answer if it’s worth hiring a VA on your own, let me ask you a question. Would you grab a stranger off the street to take care of your newborn baby? Likely no. And your business is your baby. Why would you trust this important role to be filled by anyone less than an expert? Unless you are a hiring expert, let us help you. This is OUR baby. It’s what we do. Day in and day out. We are your one-stop shopping expert for the virtual assistant business process, from hiring on.

I had a new client come to me in January wanting a VA. They were already working with a VA found on a freelance job site. We discussed what brought them to me and how it was going with their VA. I asked how long they had been using this person and they said for 3 years. I inquired if the current VA had been with them the entire time. Their reply shocked me! They said, “oh no, I’ve gone through almost 50 VA’s in the 3 years I’ve been finding them on the freelance site”.

Wait, what?! 50 VA’s in 3 years? That’s more than 1 new VA a month. That’s more frequent than some payroll runs!

Just think of how much time this has taken away from the client building their virtual assistant business. The amount of time, effort, and not to mention money it takes to have the revolving door of hiring and training the VAs through this freelance job board is another full-time job altogether!

Let’s get back to basics. Put the right people in the right job to help you grow your business properly and efficiently.

By using Peak Solutions Team, a huge headache is removed. We place our VA’s with longevity in mind. Hiring a VA for a particular business involves close coordination. We work with you to define what it is you are wanting in a VA. Then we screen and hire the VA and can assist in how to get the VA trained so they are successful from the start. We not only speed up the process from the time you say “go” to the time the VA is hired, but we shorten the learning curve as we ensure the right person is there for you.

So let’s circle back to the beginning? Would you trust just anyone off the street with your baby or would you rather put your trust in an expert? When you are ready, call us!